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Case Studies

Click on one of these topics to get an idea how we've helped our clients:

Alpha hardware speeds up financial calculations and models to less than a hour 

Combination of online data farms and robotic manager  prevents system slow down

Digitask finds the most cost effective approach to upgrading system

Data Center Relocation


Alpha hardware speeds up financial calculations and models to less than an hour 
The client was running current financial calculations and models on legacy VAX clusters. He originally viewed the four hours it took to complete the calculations and generate the reports as acceptable since they were performed during the night and were completed before the start of business the next day. Over time, however, with the growth of the user community, the allowed completion window continually grew until it approached  the morning deadline.

Evaluation of the clients system yielded the following results: The client's system was already running at an average 80%+ of capacity. At three peak periods during the day, the system markedly slowed down to accommodate a 95%+ load. 

The Digitask solution was to replace the legacy hardware with Alpha-based systems. The result was dramatic. Financial calculations and models were completed in less then half an hour. Reports no longer needed to be printed since they were now readily available online. In addition to the speed increase of the system, the enhanced disk farm also easily accommodated the current and expected data load.
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Combination of online data farms and robotic manager prevents system slow down
Restoration of full- and partial-user directory trees and their associated data files consumed a large amount of system operations time each day at one of this client's locations. Regular duties began to suffer because of the high volume of user requests for data restoration. Digitask was called in to evaluate the situation before end-user complaints reached the executive boardroom.

Digitask determined  that having the users perform their own restorations from online disk farms would be more efficient and save money over the long run. Because of our evaluation study, the cost of an online of a robotic tape storage facility was justified.

After implementation, with minimal end-user and operator training, the client was able to have a sophisticated online backup solution that satisfied their safe-storage requirements. The end-users were also able to easily retrieve the necessary data from online storage storage.
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Digitask finds the most cost-effective approach to upgrading system
This client was interested in a multiprocessor with expanded memory for his VAX 7000 system. Before Digitask agreed to the hardware upgrade, we initiated a review of the clients need for it. After agreeing with the client, we evaluated the impact of the hardware upgrade on the system as a whole.

Digitask’s evaluation of the hardware upgrade yielded the following: the Operating System and hardware would have to be upgraded. The magnitude of this effort was simply not cost effective. Thus, after an exhaustive review, we decided that it was more beneficial to port to a new Alpha platform with its inherent future expandability rather than to remain on older VAX technology.
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Data Center Relocation
The client was faced with a required data center relocation. During the last few years they had been reliably running their applications on a VMS5.5-2 platform without disruption. Their applications required a very stable operating environment, and were set up for an X.25 network connection using an old DEMSA X.25 router that DEC had replaced with newer WAN technology.

Digitask determined that an upgrade to VMS 6.0 would require an upgrade in newer hardware and software. Instead of planning a phased upgrade to the new technology, the client elected to maintain the current hardware platform until it was more cost effective to upgrade. 
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